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Frequenz CDM6-CU

Art. nr.: 19010013

The new Frequenz CDM6-CU was specially designed to replace the old 430 control boxes used on the CDM6 motor of Crawford

The CDM6-CU is based on the standard Frequenz 400Volt control Unit, but is reprogrammed to use on the CDM6.

The features:

  • Simple plug and play installation

  • Control unit is pre-programmed for CDM6

  • Included adapter board to connect the limit-switches

  • Pre-programmed for automatic use

  • Air-switch can be connected and is automatic recognised

  • Display in clear language

  • Display standard in English. Dutch, German and French available

  •  Lots of features amongst others 1 channel impuls (up-stop-close-stop)

  • In other words: the simple solution, works without programming and for the advanced user lots of extra’s (that you can use, but don’t have to)

3,14 Kg
Door brand:
Frequenz, Crawford